What is Machine Learning and Learning From Data

Machine Learning is the hot-topic of computer science nowadays. In the age of information, there are many data, and people often work on those data. Self-driving cars, go and chess players that play against AI, anti-spam filters and so on…

Continue reading “What is Machine Learning and Learning From Data”

BeautifulSoup (and some code)

BeautifulSoup or bs4 is a python package for HTML parsing. It simply takes HTML file as text and parses it. Seems not a big deal but when it comes to development, it saves time.

It can also search, navigate and modify HTML code. So, we can use it when we want to create the dataset or pull some data from web for out ML/DS and DL jobs.

Continue reading “BeautifulSoup (and some code)”

Project Euler

Project Euler is a website that contains math questions which can solve with programming. All of these problems answers can find in one minute or less. There are many programmers all around the world that try to solve problems. I lost my interest on the website but nowadays, again, I try to solve problems.

Here is the link of website : https://projecteuler.net

And it’s my profile.



Have a nice day.

What’s I2C?

I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit) is the one of the protocol of serial communication. I2C requires two more connection for communication. These are SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock). For there is many connection I2C not for use far communications. I2C, usually used by developers for low data transfer and close communications.

At I2C there are master and slave part. Master control communication. For communication come true there should be at least one slave device. Master decide to transfer and control which slave should communicate with master. Because of this communication between more than 2 devices provided with only two connections.